Gargrave Road, Skipton, BD23 1PJ
01756 709451



At St. Stephen's we offer a consistent approach with a planned sequence of lessons to help ensure that skills required to meet the aims of the National Curriculum for writing transcription and the related Early Learning Goals are progressively met.  

We intend to take all pupils on a journey to using fluent, speedy and joined handwriting throughout their independent writing. This, in turn, will help to support their composition and spelling.



Following 'Letterjoin' programme, will allow teachers and learners to feel confident about their writing approach.

The detailed planning and progressive sequence of the programme assures subject quality, sufficient depth and coverage of skills.

The scheme’s supporting resources enable effective curriculum implementation and can be differentiated to meet all pupils’ learning needs.

Where gaps in pupils’ skills are identified, specific handwriting resources can also be used within intervention sessions to enhance pupils’ capacity to access the full curriculum.



The impact will be seen across the school with an increase in the profile of handwriting.

We will have a consistent approach where handwriting expectations are clear and the same technical vocabulary is used with, and spoken by, all teaching staff and learners.

Whole school and parental engagement can also be improved through the use of resources as part of homework. 

The impact of our scheme will be noticeable within written work in all areas of the curriculum.