Through our English curriculum, we strive for our children to become more knowledgeable about the different reasons in which writers are moved to write: to teach, persuade or influence, paint with words, reflect and to make a record. Over time we want our young writers to become increasingly knowledgeable about the different ways in which these reasons for writing can be realised, including through rich interconnection and subversion.
Our children will:
Teach others by sharing their experiences and knowledge and teach themselves by writing more.
Persuade or Influence others by sharing their thoughts and opinions.
Entertain themselves and others by sharing their stories - both real and imagined.
Paint with Words showing their artistry and their ability to see things differently, or to simply play around and have fun with words and their writing.
Reflect in order to better understand themselves, their place in the world or their response to a new subject or style of writing.
Make a Record of something to look back on that they don't want to forget and can use in the future.
We want out children to become increasingly knowledgeable about:
The systematic teaching of phonics has a high priority throughout Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Phonics is taught daily to all children in Foundation Stage, Year 1 and those in Year 2 who have not passed phonics screening in Year 1. Staff systematically teach learners the relationship between sounds and the written spelling patterns, or graphemes, which represent them. Phonics is delivered in a whole class format because it enables staff to ensure application across subjects embedding the process in a rich literacy environment for early readers. Intervention is planned for those children who are working below expected levels. We use Bug Club Phonics as the spine for delivery of the phonics sessions, combined with methods to make learning more memorable such as songs and stories. Children are encouraged to write regularly within these sessions, concentrating on letter formation, pre-cursive handwriting and words linked to the letters and sounds taught that day.
Our English curriculum is derived around a sequence of high quality age-appropriate texts. These books have been chosen in line with our writing scheme, Literacy Tree.
We use each book to create opportunities to develop reading fluency and comprehension with a focus on key reading strategies and skills; develop grammar and punctuation knowledge and understanding to use and apply across the wider curriculum; explore the writing structure and features of different genres, identify the purpose and audience; plan and write an initial piece of writing with a clear context and purpose before evaluating the effectiveness of writing by editing and redrafting.
Book-Led Curriculum Approach to Writing
At St. Stephen's, we believe that writing is strengthened by instilling a love for reading within our pupils. We value the importance of reading to supplement writing, providing a purpose and a context to writing - often through out Foundation Curriculum.
We believe that pupils who are provided a reason for writing demonstrate flair and effective writing composition, leading to high quality outcomes. Every half term, the English curriculum is taught by studying a high quality text where writing opportunities are derived from this.
Please see the writing sequence which all of our teachers use to plan
Cross-Curricular Opportunities:
Throughout the academic year, children are given the opportunity to practice using their writing skills within
cross-curricular contexts. Opportunities are provided within Religious Education, Geography, History, Science and many other subjects, all of which are planned for within our English long term plans. This gives the children more purpose to their writing, encourages consistency in expectations and quality across the curriculum and provides opportunities for deeper learning that will prepare the pupils for their future.
The promotion of a language rich curriculum is essential to success within writing. The use of accurate and rich cross-curricular vocabulary throughout school is planned within all subjects and is evident in all learning areas and is a key part of our Knowledge Organisers.
We do this in an attempt to help children make links across the subjects so that they know more, remember more and understand more. Pupils are given a wide range of opportunities to use and develop their speaking and listening skills within school life through techniques such as drama, debating and opportunities to speak publicly within assemblies. All of these opportunities are key in helping them to become confident and articulate which in turn will assist them in becoming experts within the writing process.
Children will enjoy writing and use features of different genres and styles.​
• Pupils can write for different purposes and audiences.​
• Our children are proud of their writing.​
• Pupils know that others value their writing; they see it on display as a ‘published’ piece, used in WAGOLLs etc.​
• Skills progress throughout school is evident in children’s books.​
• Pupils are being adventurous with vocabulary choices.​
• All pupils, regardless of their background, needs or abilities and will make progress.​
• Pupils will have a good knowledge of how to adapt their writing based on the context and audience.​
• They will be no significant gaps in the progress of different groups of pupils (e.g. disadvantaged vs non-disadvantaged).​
• Writing across the curriculum is the same standard as in English books.​
• Pupils develop the skills and are inspired to become the authors of their generation.​
• Pupils are equipped with the tools they need to participate fully as a member of society both now and in their future.​
Through our English curriculum, we strive for our children to become more knowledgeable about the different reasons in which writers are moved to write: to teach, persuade or influence, paint with words, reflect and to make a record. Over time we want our young writers to become increasingly knowledgeable about the different ways in which these reasons for writing can be realised, including through rich interconnection and subversion.
Our children will:
Teach others by sharing their experiences and knowledge and teach themselves by writing more.
Persuade or Influence others by sharing their thoughts and opinions.
Entertain themselves and others by sharing their stories - both real and imagined.
Paint with Words showing their artistry and their ability to see things differently, or to simply play around and have fun with words and their writing.
Reflect in order to better understand themselves, their place in the world or their response to a new subject or style of writing.
Make a Record of something to look back on that they don't want to forget and can use in the future.
We want out children to become increasingly knowledgeable about:
The systematic teaching of phonics has a high priority throughout Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Phonics is taught daily to all children in Foundation Stage, Year 1 and those in Year 2 who have not passed phonics screening in Year 1. Staff systematically teach learners the relationship between sounds and the written spelling patterns, or graphemes, which represent them. Phonics is delivered in a whole class format because it enables staff to ensure application across subjects embedding the process in a rich literacy environment for early readers. Intervention is planned for those children who are working below expected levels. We use Bug Club Phonics as the spine for delivery of the phonics sessions, combined with methods to make learning more memorable such as songs and stories. Children are encouraged to write regularly within these sessions, concentrating on letter formation, pre-cursive handwriting and words linked to the letters and sounds taught that day.
Our English curriculum is derived around a sequence of high quality age-appropriate texts. These books have been chosen in line with our writing scheme, Literacy Tree.
We use each book to create opportunities to develop reading fluency and comprehension with a focus on key reading strategies and skills; develop grammar and punctuation knowledge and understanding to use and apply across the wider curriculum; explore the writing structure and features of different genres, identify the purpose and audience; plan and write an initial piece of writing with a clear context and purpose before evaluating the effectiveness of writing by editing and redrafting.
Book-Led Curriculum Approach to Writing
At St. Stephen's, we believe that writing is strengthened by instilling a love for reading within our pupils. We value the importance of reading to supplement writing, providing a purpose and a context to writing - often through out Foundation Curriculum.
We believe that pupils who are provided a reason for writing demonstrate flair and effective writing composition, leading to high quality outcomes. Every half term, the English curriculum is taught by studying a high quality text where writing opportunities are derived from this.
Please see the writing sequence which all of our teachers use to plan
Cross-Curricular Opportunities:
Throughout the academic year, children are given the opportunity to practice using their writing skills within
cross-curricular contexts. Opportunities are provided within Religious Education, Geography, History, Science and many other subjects, all of which are planned for within our English long term plans. This gives the children more purpose to their writing, encourages consistency in expectations and quality across the curriculum and provides opportunities for deeper learning that will prepare the pupils for their future.
The promotion of a language rich curriculum is essential to success within writing. The use of accurate and rich cross-curricular vocabulary throughout school is planned within all subjects and is evident in all learning areas and is a key part of our Knowledge Organisers.
We do this in an attempt to help children make links across the subjects so that they know more, remember more and understand more. Pupils are given a wide range of opportunities to use and develop their speaking and listening skills within school life through techniques such as drama, debating and opportunities to speak publicly within assemblies. All of these opportunities are key in helping them to become confident and articulate which in turn will assist them in becoming experts within the writing process.
Children will enjoy writing and use features of different genres and styles.​
• Pupils can write for different purposes and audiences.​
• Our children are proud of their writing.​
• Pupils know that others value their writing; they see it on display as a ‘published’ piece, used in WAGOLLs etc.​
• Skills progress throughout school is evident in children’s books.​
• Pupils are being adventurous with vocabulary choices.​
• All pupils, regardless of their background, needs or abilities and will make progress.​
• Pupils will have a good knowledge of how to adapt their writing based on the context and audience.​
• They will be no significant gaps in the progress of different groups of pupils (e.g. disadvantaged vs non-disadvantaged).​
• Writing across the curriculum is the same standard as in English books.​
• Pupils develop the skills and are inspired to become the authors of their generation.​
• Pupils are equipped with the tools they need to participate fully as a member of society both now and in their future.​
Through our English curriculum, we strive for our children to become more knowledgeable about the different reasons in which writers are moved to write: to teach, persuade or influence, paint with words, reflect and to make a record. Over time we want our young writers to become increasingly knowledgeable about the different ways in which these reasons for writing can be realised, including through rich interconnection and subversion.
Our children will:
Teach others by sharing their experiences and knowledge and teach themselves by writing more.
Persuade or Influence others by sharing their thoughts and opinions.
Entertain themselves and others by sharing their stories - both real and imagined.
Paint with Words showing their artistry and their ability to see things differently, or to simply play around and have fun with words and their writing.
Reflect in order to better understand themselves, their place in the world or their response to a new subject or style of writing.
Make a Record of something to look back on that they don't want to forget and can use in the future.
We want out children to become increasingly knowledgeable about:
The systematic teaching of phonics has a high priority throughout Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Phonics is taught daily to all children in Foundation Stage, Year 1 and those in Year 2 who have not passed phonics screening in Year 1. Staff systematically teach learners the relationship between sounds and the written spelling patterns, or graphemes, which represent them. Phonics is delivered in a whole class format because it enables staff to ensure application across subjects embedding the process in a rich literacy environment for early readers. Intervention is planned for those children who are working below expected levels. We use Bug Club Phonics as the spine for delivery of the phonics sessions, combined with methods to make learning more memorable such as songs and stories. Children are encouraged to write regularly within these sessions, concentrating on letter formation, pre-cursive handwriting and words linked to the letters and sounds taught that day.
Our English curriculum is derived around a sequence of high quality age-appropriate texts. These books have been chosen in line with our writing scheme, Literacy Tree.
We use each book to create opportunities to develop reading fluency and comprehension with a focus on key reading strategies and skills; develop grammar and punctuation knowledge and understanding to use and apply across the wider curriculum; explore the writing structure and features of different genres, identify the purpose and audience; plan and write an initial piece of writing with a clear context and purpose before evaluating the effectiveness of writing by editing and redrafting.
Book-Led Curriculum Approach to Writing
At St. Stephen's, we believe that writing is strengthened by instilling a love for reading within our pupils. We value the importance of reading to supplement writing, providing a purpose and a context to writing - often through out Foundation Curriculum.
We believe that pupils who are provided a reason for writing demonstrate flair and effective writing composition, leading to high quality outcomes. Every half term, the English curriculum is taught by studying a high quality text where writing opportunities are derived from this.
Please see the writing sequence which all of our teachers use to plan
Cross-Curricular Opportunities:
Throughout the academic year, children are given the opportunity to practice using their writing skills within
cross-curricular contexts. Opportunities are provided within Religious Education, Geography, History, Science and many other subjects, all of which are planned for within our English long term plans. This gives the children more purpose to their writing, encourages consistency in expectations and quality across the curriculum and provides opportunities for deeper learning that will prepare the pupils for their future.
The promotion of a language rich curriculum is essential to success within writing. The use of accurate and rich cross-curricular vocabulary throughout school is planned within all subjects and is evident in all learning areas and is a key part of our Knowledge Organisers.
We do this in an attempt to help children make links across the subjects so that they know more, remember more and understand more. Pupils are given a wide range of opportunities to use and develop their speaking and listening skills within school life through techniques such as drama, debating and opportunities to speak publicly within assemblies. All of these opportunities are key in helping them to become confident and articulate which in turn will assist them in becoming experts within the writing process.
Children will enjoy writing and use features of different genres and styles.​
• Pupils can write for different purposes and audiences.​
• Our children are proud of their writing.​
• Pupils know that others value their writing; they see it on display as a ‘published’ piece, used in WAGOLLs etc.​
• Skills progress throughout school is evident in children’s books.​
• Pupils are being adventurous with vocabulary choices.​
• All pupils, regardless of their background, needs or abilities and will make progress.​
• Pupils will have a good knowledge of how to adapt their writing based on the context and audience.​
• They will be no significant gaps in the progress of different groups of pupils (e.g. disadvantaged vs non-disadvantaged).​
• Writing across the curriculum is the same standard as in English books.​
• Pupils develop the skills and are inspired to become the authors of their generation.​
• Pupils are equipped with the tools they need to participate fully as a member of society both now and in their future.​
Through our English curriculum, we strive for our children to become more knowledgeable about the different reasons in which writers are moved to write: to teach, persuade or influence, paint with words, reflect and to make a record. Over time we want our young writers to become increasingly knowledgeable about the different ways in which these reasons for writing can be realised, including through rich interconnection and subversion.
Our children will:
Teach others by sharing their experiences and knowledge and teach themselves by writing more.
Persuade or Influence others by sharing their thoughts and opinions.
Entertain themselves and others by sharing their stories - both real and imagined.
Paint with Words showing their artistry and their ability to see things differently, or to simply play around and have fun with words and their writing.
Reflect in order to better understand themselves, their place in the world or their response to a new subject or style of writing.
Make a Record of something to look back on that they don't want to forget and can use in the future.
We want out children to become increasingly knowledgeable about:
The systematic teaching of phonics has a high priority throughout Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Phonics is taught daily to all children in Foundation Stage, Year 1 and those in Year 2 who have not passed phonics screening in Year 1. Staff systematically teach learners the relationship between sounds and the written spelling patterns, or graphemes, which represent them. Phonics is delivered in a whole class format because it enables staff to ensure application across subjects embedding the process in a rich literacy environment for early readers. Intervention is planned for those children who are working below expected levels. We use Bug Club Phonics as the spine for delivery of the phonics sessions, combined with methods to make learning more memorable such as songs and stories. Children are encouraged to write regularly within these sessions, concentrating on letter formation, pre-cursive handwriting and words linked to the letters and sounds taught that day.
Our English curriculum is derived around a sequence of high quality age-appropriate texts. These books have been chosen in line with our writing scheme, Literacy Tree.
We use each book to create opportunities to develop reading fluency and comprehension with a focus on key reading strategies and skills; develop grammar and punctuation knowledge and understanding to use and apply across the wider curriculum; explore the writing structure and features of different genres, identify the purpose and audience; plan and write an initial piece of writing with a clear context and purpose before evaluating the effectiveness of writing by editing and redrafting.
Book-Led Curriculum Approach to Writing
At St. Stephen's, we believe that writing is strengthened by instilling a love for reading within our pupils. We value the importance of reading to supplement writing, providing a purpose and a context to writing - often through out Foundation Curriculum.
We believe that pupils who are provided a reason for writing demonstrate flair and effective writing composition, leading to high quality outcomes. Every half term, the English curriculum is taught by studying a high quality text where writing opportunities are derived from this.
Please see the writing sequence which all of our teachers use to plan
Cross-Curricular Opportunities:
Throughout the academic year, children are given the opportunity to practice using their writing skills within
cross-curricular contexts. Opportunities are provided within Religious Education, Geography, History, Science and many other subjects, all of which are planned for within our English long term plans. This gives the children more purpose to their writing, encourages consistency in expectations and quality across the curriculum and provides opportunities for deeper learning that will prepare the pupils for their future.
The promotion of a language rich curriculum is essential to success within writing. The use of accurate and rich cross-curricular vocabulary throughout school is planned within all subjects and is evident in all learning areas and is a key part of our Knowledge Organisers.
We do this in an attempt to help children make links across the subjects so that they know more, remember more and understand more. Pupils are given a wide range of opportunities to use and develop their speaking and listening skills within school life through techniques such as drama, debating and opportunities to speak publicly within assemblies. All of these opportunities are key in helping them to become confident and articulate which in turn will assist them in becoming experts within the writing process.
Children will enjoy writing and use features of different genres and styles.​
• Pupils can write for different purposes and audiences.​
• Our children are proud of their writing.​
• Pupils know that others value their writing; they see it on display as a ‘published’ piece, used in WAGOLLs etc.​
• Skills progress throughout school is evident in children’s books.​
• Pupils are being adventurous with vocabulary choices.​
• All pupils, regardless of their background, needs or abilities and will make progress.​
• Pupils will have a good knowledge of how to adapt their writing based on the context and audience.​
• They will be no significant gaps in the progress of different groups of pupils (e.g. disadvantaged vs non-disadvantaged).​
• Writing across the curriculum is the same standard as in English books.​
• Pupils develop the skills and are inspired to become the authors of their generation.​
• Pupils are equipped with the tools they need to participate fully as a member of society both now and in their future.​